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The Magic of Pluto, Neptune & Uranus Transformation, Surrender & Upheaval - A 6 Month Course


These are times of immense transformation, opening never-before-felt crossroads. These are times of dynamic action, surrender, and upheaval. We conjure forth this magical course as an accomplice for this collective journey. We invoke a cornucopia and treasure chest of magical tools to help guide us through a great time of distress and excitement. Flying together, we know we are moving through collective initiations.

We journey with Pluto – planet of power, death, and rebirth – as they commit to 19 years in the sign of Aquarius, the great revolutionary.
We dive with Neptune – planet of fantasy, mysticism, and confusion – into the headstrong realms of Aries, where they will be for 14 years (give or take a retrograde).
We take flight with Uranus – planet of innovation, rebellion, and authenticity – into the curious (curiouser and curiouser…) sign of Gemini, where they will jive for 8 years (give or take a retrograde).

In this 6 months we will explore:
*the transition as each of the outer planets changes signs (something that does not usually occur within the same year, let alone within months of each other)
*previous timelines in which these planets have been in these signs to ground ourselves in history
*the relevance and impact of these astrological times personally and collectively through trance, self-reflection, journaling, magical ritual, divination, and spell-work
*how these transitions may impact you in your life over this time period and beyond
*we will even rope in our old friend Saturn who is also changing signs in the year to come

Dates and Times -
Turtle Island:
March 15th 3-5pmPST, 6-8pm EST
April 26th 4-6pmPST, 7-9pm EST
May 17th 4-6pmPST, 7-9pm EST
June 14th 4-6pmPST, 7-9pm EST
July 19th 4-6pmPST, 7-9pm EST
August 9th 4-6pmPST, 7-9pm EST

For Australia:
16th of March - 9-11 AM
27th of April - 9-11 AM (no longer day light savings)
18th of May - 9-11 AM
15th of June - 9-11 AM
20th of July - 9-11 AM
10th of August - 9-11 AM

March 1

Working with the Great Ones: Dedication, Devotion & Deity

May 21

Bali Immersion - Invoking Who We Are Becoming: Ancestry, Alignment & Agency