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Deeper into the Crossroads: Nine Session Journey

Deeper Into the Crossroads: Building Intimacy & Agency nine-session journey!
Open to those who participated in one of the three At the Crossroads Course facilitated by Lance DeMuth and Fio Gede Parma.

It will involve some of the following themes and skills:
*Faring Forth and Spirit Flight
*Deeper into the Four/Compass Kin work and cultivating relationships with Familiar Spirits from those Kin/Courts.
*Soul retrieval and curse-breaking and obsession-releasing work
*Time work
*Witch's Sight/Knowing work
*More complex healing work
*More refinement on sorcerous works

We will begin on the weekend of January 25/26th of 2025 at 5 PM Pacific Time on the Saturday and midday on the Sunday for AEDT in so-called Australia.

The dates we have are:

1st Session - Jan 25/26
2nd Session - Feb 1/2 (Lammas/Lughnasadh or Candlemas/Imbolc depending on your hemisphere)
3rd Session - Feb 8/9
4th Session - Feb 15/16
Skip two weekends.
5th Session - March 8/9
6th Session - March 15/16
7th Session - March 22/23 (Autumn/Spring Equinox depending)
8th Session - March 29/30
9th Session - April 5/6

As with At the Crossroads we will meet for 2 hours each live session, sessions will be recorded and available up until a month after the end of the course. And you will also be able to have an hour long one-to-one with either Lance or Fio to help you through the work of the course as per the original course.

December 7

Aphrodite: Of Joy & Sorrow, of Love & Heartbreak 

February 16

Hermes & Hekate: A 2-hour Facilitated Journey and Working