So I go to my Gods

Recently I went to an incredibly powerful place in Bali for purification, realignment, ancestral and land veneration, and prayer and empowerment. All of it happened. It was a wild ride that I wasn’t expecting would be so incredibly full on. I got to go with my friend and fellow Reclaiming witch beloved - Suzanne Sterling. At this sacred place in particular were many shrines, icons, and prayers to Goddesses. In fact there was a penultimate part in which we got to place offerings and pray to the Great Mother of the Universe/Mother Bali. This was profound and I felt and saw Her staring right into me in a way that unravelled and rewove me. There and then.

Recently I feel at a loss with how I turn up, with my skills, magic, connections, communities, to the horrors unfolding in Palestine, West Papua, Congo, Sudan, Ukraine, and around the world - and right in front of many of our faces (the people I intimately know and who will be reading this) in so-called USA, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain… So I go to my Gods… I let them speak to and through me. I let them write through me…

Persephone says,
Quiet. You have to be quiet in order to hear us. You must be wedded to a different kind of silence than you know of in your clamorous world. The silence of the dead. They have had their words and sounds stolen from them. And yet we in the Underworld, in the Blessed Realms, restore them to their original sound. Their concordant song that sings wondrously with the rest. All the dead, all of them are being healed, and yet what is not healed is what is left in the world of the living and the barely-alive. What are you doing to be with the silence in the darkness?

Morrigan says,
What is happening is travesty. You all know this. It is done in your name by the people who have convinced you they are protecting you and your interests. Barely anyone in those realms know of the true touch of sovereignty. No stone shrieks out for them… do they even touch the stone? Would they hear its whispering or its screams? If they can not imagine the song of a rock, the sound of a stone, they will never be able to serve the land or the people. So in these times you must be renegades, you must be rebels. This is the noble cause. This is all there is left to do.

Dionysos says,
If you can not dance yourself into and out of madness you are missing my ecstasy. If you can not wonder at the hearts imperilled within you, and all around you, you have forgotten my liberation. I ask you to light the safe and holy fires in the night, gather the people together to dance and wail and if you must tear the kings apart. In the old way. The kings are all bloated imperators now. They must be reduced to the ash that will initiate them, or else there is just a masquerade of the oppressors, while the oppressed wallow in the detritus and die horrible deaths. And some of you will have worse deaths than others.

My fetchmate, one of the Good People, who sometimes comes as a specific God,
I was in old covens in old places. We had different laws then, we knew different ways of being, that have been reduced to superstition and faery story. You must remember the smallest thing can be the biggest thing. You must continue to do the smallest things together, so that the great magic of that web will reverberate forever. There is wisdom in all the places between, there is wisdom in the hills and mourning places. Yes mourn, and don’t do it alone. Mourn together. Be in wild grief together. Dance together, laugh together, rage together. It must happen together. Even when you are apart, because of these times, you still have the secret and potent ways of being together. You have them, use them. Draw the secret signs in the air, in the ground, in the water. They will link you. We have passed you these secrets because we have seen these times. Use them now. We beg of you. We know you will. That has been seen as well.

We know you will. That has been seen as well.


Coming toward the Solstice - The Wheel and the Magic


Craft Treasures Series: Navi Sousa