
Luke Brohman Luke Brohman

I am a witch… What the fuck am I meant to be doing?

Witches, the enemies of empire. Those who are called beyond the glow of the fire and shift into the dark, hunting, stalking, dissolving, drinking in, and returning… always back on the broomstick and goat, always back to the hearth, always back to the home, the street, the field, the town, the streets. Always returning.

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Luke Brohman Luke Brohman

A witchcraft of awe, wonder, and holy dread.

This One is Witch. We are Witch and the Body of the Witch is primordial, legendary, assaulted, broken into millions of fragments, scattered in ashes, bones, secrets, shame; our history is the history of healing and cursing, of justice and the breaking of covenants, of the closing of commons and the war against the erotic, of rape and murder, of migration, colonisation, our history is the Story of How Empire assimilates, deludes, and annihilates the vitality of the Mysteries of the Body. And the Body is deeper, wilder, wiser than we know.

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