Chants, Runes, and Incantations


During a mentorship session recently I gave the homework of working with chant, rhyme, metre, and word to evoke Witch; to shift and deepen consciousness into the more primal fetch, from which to fill with life-force and power and to step into workings, into ritual, into whatever it is we need to bring that to.

I reflected on the incantations, spells, charms, and spoken invocations that I have received, through a variety of lineages and traditions, from books, from research, from spirits, through poetry and art. Some I am bound not to share publicly, others have been published but I still would rather not share outside of the traditions I work within, some are out there but I also do not want to influence anyone by picking a particular incantation or invocation seeped in a tradition, anchored in certain threads of witchery.

So, I thought I’d share some here which might help to evoke the Spirit of the Witch/es that are not necessarily tied to or coming from a particular Tradition.

I think it’s always very important to credit, so if you share these (which is what they are for), please credit the source. Each of these I have written with the help of my spirits, the experience of being an initiated witch in a variety of traditions (so an awareness underneath those of commonalities and parallels), folklore, and history.


For use directly after the setting up of the working space, to invoke the Aid of Our Familiars and Mighty Dead.

Stars above and stars below
I conjure forth the power to know
to will, be silent, and to dare
upon these powers I will swear

Gather here titanic might 
all the darkness, all the light
I weave and wind and bend and twist
the witch’s fire, the witch’s tryst

Winds of North, South, West, and East
I conjure You to sabbat feast! 
Bring our friends, familiars, kin 
the inside out, the outside in! 

Deep within this myrk-wreathed ring 
The Mighty Dead summon, sing
And we, the living, answer well
To join them in the powerful spell!


To Invoke Gods of the Witches

Gods of the Witches, Ancient and Hallowed 
These whispered words I offer here 
Antlered, Weaving, Lunar, Harrowed 
Between, below, all love and fear 

Mother of the Stars and Moon 
Spinner in the cave beneath 
Wise One of the holy loom 
Bearer/barer of the sharpest teeth 

Through the valleys, fields, and ruins
Come to us and dance this ring 
Share with us the bones and runes 
Of long ago forgotten things 

Descend, arise, and touch our hearts
Of the ocean and the wildwood
Fill our hands with elfin darts 
Let them fly free as they should 

Goddess riding on the wind
Goats and pitchforks, besoms, staves
Lady of abundance, riches 
Held secret, silent in the caves 

Old One who knows life and death
Who lifts the Son up to the Sun
Reveals the words that render breath 
And makes the seasons turn and come

Darkest, Deepest, Mystery
In the Land, the Sky, and Sea
Deep within our trinity 
The Gods are here and so are we!


To Gather Witch Power

Power in the star and stone
Power in the Earth’s own bones
Power from the beating heart
Power of Son Robin’s Dart!

Power moving through the waves
Power from the darkest caves
Power through the witches’ love
Power of serpent, power of dove

Power thrumming in the well
Power of the oldest spell
Power of the left and right
Power of the dark and light

Power in my heart and head
Power of the ancient dead
Power in my hands and tongue
Power of the moon and sun!

x If you look through my blog, you will also find more offerings x


Luke is cool. x


You came with crosses-


Anderson Feri tradition/s